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Reflections of 2021

2 minute read



Reflection about my choides

1 minute read


In high school I was actually on the pathway to chemistry. I participated in the Chemistry Olympiad and got an early admission to Peking University. When choosing major, I believed that I needed to build a solid foundation in mathematics, physics and computers sciences during my undergraduate years, and these skills would be necessary and transferrable for whatever track I might later take. So I decided engineering would be more valuable for my career and choose to go to School of EECS. In terms of specific specialization, I chose Intelligence Science because Machine Learning technologies can be applied in a wide range of industries, and I am passionate about their application in solving real-world problems.


less than 1 minute read


Apart from the coursework, I really enjoy street dancing and have been participating in dance clubs and taking part in performances and dance competitions. (Dance is a very inclusive sport, where everyone, no matter how tall or short, fat or thin, can show their beauty, have their own style, express themselves freely and reap the joy.)

Eating Disorder

less than 1 minute read


This is a sample blog post. Lorem ipsum I can’t remember the rest of lorem ipsum and don’t have an internet connection right now. Testing testing testing this blog post. Blog posts are cool.


less than 1 minute read


This is a sample blog post. Lorem ipsum I can’t remember the rest of lorem ipsum and don’t have an internet connection right now. Testing testing testing this blog post. Blog posts are cool.


less than 1 minute read


This is a sample blog post. Lorem ipsum I can’t remember the rest of lorem ipsum and don’t have an internet connection right now. Testing testing testing this blog post. Blog posts are cool.


less than 1 minute read


This is a sample blog post. Lorem ipsum I can’t remember the rest of lorem ipsum and don’t have an internet connection right now. Testing testing testing this blog post. Blog posts are cool.

Bakery Apprentice

less than 1 minute read


Happy and Funny experience! Learned to bake : ) My very first “intern”



The New Era of IT — Peeking the College Entrance Examination Reform and IT Curriculum Reform in Zhejiang Province from the Perspective of IT Teachers.

Published in the 7$^{th}$ China Japan Educational Technology Research and Development Forum and the 15$^{th}$ Annual Meeting of Information Technology Education Committee of China Educational Technology Association, 2019

Recommended citation: Rui, Jingshu. “The New Era of IT — Peeking the College Entrance Examination Reform and IT Curriculum Reform in Zhejiang Province from the Perspective of IT Teachers.” Paper of the 15th Annual Meeting of Information Technology Education Committee of China Educational Technology Association, Ningxia, China. July, 2019.

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Teaching experience 1

Undergraduate course, University 1, Department, 2014

This is a description of a teaching experience. You can use markdown like any other post.

Teaching experience 2

Workshop, University 1, Department, 2015

This is a description of a teaching experience. You can use markdown like any other post.