Reflection about my choides

1 minute read


In high school I was actually on the pathway to chemistry. I participated in the Chemistry Olympiad and got an early admission to Peking University. When choosing major, I believed that I needed to build a solid foundation in mathematics, physics and computers sciences during my undergraduate years, and these skills would be necessary and transferrable for whatever track I might later take. So I decided engineering would be more valuable for my career and choose to go to School of EECS. In terms of specific specialization, I chose Intelligence Science because Machine Learning technologies can be applied in a wide range of industries, and I am passionate about their application in solving real-world problems.

I chose to join MIMS program after graduating because it’s an interdisciplinary program in the center of tech, design and business, where I got the chance to see what roles tech companies are made up of and how they piece together. During this process, I realized that I like to be able to contribute from a technical standing, take ownership and dig deep, and I wanted to solidify my engineering skills.

I care about doing something meaningful and impactful, and I can keep learning fast in order to achieve such goals. I had an engineering internship at Nolibox, a startup for AI-empowered design, where I had a lot of responsibilities ranging from back-end to front-end and could switch gears quickly. In the meantime, I put emphasis on building my soft skills, because they are very important for future career development in advancement to leadership and management roles.